Who we are ?
Agriagora is young and with this vibrant perspective enterprise focused on the presentation and popularization of tourism and tourist attraction in Benelux region but as well in assisting and organizing agro-centric events all around Europe.
Name AGRIAGORA is cumulated word from two words:
Agri (agro) — referring main field of our activities , agriculture sector
Agora – Ancient Greek word for place of public citizen’s life. Also referred market , place where people were collecting publicly discussing and presenting their political ideas and opinions, where they were trading and exchanging their goods. Also the pace of cultural, social and entertainment events and manifestations.
Finally, combination of these two words refers and associate about main business activities
What we do?
Even that our activities and working system refer about us like touristic organization or agency, we do not consider about us on that way. We are service entity in yours, the 3th parties business and private subjects hands able to , in accordance with you, organize and promote event under the certain condition. However the ways and conditions always distinguish because your interests and wishes are distinctive. At short, we offer you what and how we can do for you ( e.g. private city tour in Amsterdam) , but about scope and details of our offer you decide by yourself. We search the best suitable option with regards on meeting of minimum of marketing standards .
Our mission
Our experience with “low countries people mentality”, their ordinary lives, knowledge about their history, local culture, languages, customs, dishes.. we would like to share with you and to provide you information about anything else you would like to know about it.
Within last 15 years e are specialized for the groups and /or individual visits and guides within states of Benelux (The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg ) . Our clients are mostly for interested for daily city tours in bigger cities like Amsterdam, Brussels, Luxembourg (city) but not only — “smaller cities” such as Rotterdam, Delft, Volendam, Zaanse Schans, Den Hague, Waterloo, Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp, natural tourist attractions, architectural attractions, historical places and religious heritage.
Beside that, we believe that for you, our clients, this is a great way to follow actual flows in the market, popular trends in agribusiness; and to show yourself, and possibly your ideas, to like minded parties. It can help in building a net of new business partners, allowing you to exchange information with them and enrich your practical experiences– while leaving it to us to take care of it for you…